Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Izzy's New Leg

Well, I'm sure you've been wondering and so, without further ado, here she is with her brand new leg, smiling for her daddy...

Her beautiful hair is growing back, she's all smiles and truthfully, I might have more photos to share if I could get her to stay still long enough. When she's not swimming or riding the 4-wheeler with her cousin or riding her bike, you just might find her playing with Charlie (her lovable, extremely tolerant WV Brown Dog) , playing with her baby dolls or teaching her ignorant aunt about the simplicity of using her new leg. You can't tell from this photo, but they made the shell (the part that her limb fits into) hot pink -- just for her.

I'll have to get more photos to share, as you just have to see how the toes were made. She can actually wear flip flops again : ' )


  1. what a cutie! thanks for the update! prayers..

  2. It's a rainbow leg! And toes, oh yes, you have to post a pic of the toes. I am SO glad she is fine and enjoying life again.

  3. Errrr.... sorry didn't realise the cat hadn't logged out :)


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