Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Remembering the Martyrs Under Communism

"A flower, if you bruise it under your feet, rewards you by giving you its perfume"
Richard Wurmbrand

Previously, I shared with you a saint, Pastor Wurmbrand, the founder of Voice of the Martyrs.
Pastor Wurmbrand was a Romanian evangelical minister who spent 14 years in communist prisons including three years in solitary confinement.  His book, Tortured for Christ, had a profound effect on my life, as it widened the scope of my understanding of God and theosis.   Even after 32 years of christianity, I saw myself as an infant, not comprehending the love as evidenced in the lives of those who have suffered for Christ.

As far as I know, he is not officially canonized in any church, I call him a saint because of his extraordinary testimony to the power of love through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.   As 2009 marks a centennial celebration of his life, I wanted to share a recently discovered video of Pastor Wurmbrand.  In this clip, he is telling his own story of being in solitary confinement in a communist prison and the truths he experienced that are for all christians.

As we go through the prayers and services of Holy Week in our free countries, let us remember those who have suffered for Christ in hostile nations.  May his memory be eternal!


DebD said...

I was blessed to have seen Pastor Wurmbrand in person at the church of my youth back in the 80's. I've also read his book and he holds a special place in my heart.

Memory Eternal!

Mitchell said...

Found your blog when searching for info on the bells on the censer which a first time visitor to my parish asked.

I have a special love for Richard Wurmbrand as well, and was excited to read an article in Again magazine a while back regarding his connection to the Church.

Here's a link to the article:

amy said...

Christ is Risen!!

DebD- What a blessed memory!

Mitchell - Thank you for the comment and link to the article. Perhaps you've already listened to it, but wanted to pass along an earlier post I made about Pastor Wurmbrand, in which Frederica Matthewes Green has a recording of him singing the Ave Maria in the later years of his life. You'll find the podcast link at the bottom of my post:

Thanks for visiting; I hope you'll return.

Mitchell said...

I will listen to it. And since I'm blessed to be part of Frederica's parish, I'll chat with her about it as well!

Though not an active blogger, I have enjoyed what I have seen so far and will explore more of your blog!

amy said...

Thank you, Mitchell, for the encouraging words. And, what a blessing indeed to worship with Frederica!

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