Friday, November 26, 2010

Thankful for the Animals

Last week we had to say good-bye to a dear pal, a member of our family, ...a loyal dog.

Jasper had been with us 15 years and the older I become, the more I marvel at the swiftness of time. I remember clearly bringing him home from the animal shelter that chilly spring morning in 1995. His small puppy feet rested securely in my lap on the drive back to our new house. My husband & I wondered if there might be something wrong with the little fellow, as he seemed so docile and serious, the last of the litter to find a home.

Our doubts were quickly erased when he stepped foot in the family room, as he pranced around under the watchful eye of our cat, Irish. He brought us so much joy & unconditional love. This unlimited love is one of the greatest blessings from heaven. Equally, the lessons of devotion, loyalty and companionship have not been lost on our family over the years.

Jasper welcomed both of our children into the world, providing a warm hello when they arrived home from the hospital as newborns and without resentment, shared his long- solo spotlight with each of them.

He served faithfully as a certified therapy dog, visiting an area nursing home from 1999 to 2002 and was particularly fond of “Emma” who would invite him onto her bed and stroke his head as he laid comfortably beside her. In these precious moments, it was easy to see one of the many ways in which God extends his grace and mercy to humans through His gift of animals.

Thank you, Japser, for the wonderful memories...and thank you, dear God, for the dream given to me last night -- the one where I saw Jasper in his youth, playing & running outdoors...and looking back towards us with smiling eyes to make sure we were following.


elizabeth said...

sounds like a pet worthy to be thankful of.

Clayton said...

thank you for sharing that with us Amy- Truely, the Innocence of Love is in their eyes. It makes us "whole" on another level somehow....

DebD said...

So sorry for your family's loss.

Anastasia Theodoridis said...

Animals ae so touching, perhaps because they lack malice or arrogance...

I hope a Christmas Puppy may be coming to your home this year.

Love and prayers.

GretchenJoanna said...

I'm sorry! Sometimes I still cry at the loss of our pets, even though we are mostly thankful to have had them as long as we did. What a gift Jasper was.

amy said...

Thanks for all the warm thoughts, dear people.

Anonymous said...

Touching post. Sorry for your loss. Jasper was obviously very special. Will you get another dog?

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