Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Father Tryphon

For the past few mornings, my son & I have included the wisdom of the Very Rev. Father Tryphon in our morning routine of homeschooling.   

Listening to his podcast, The Morning Offering, on Ancient Faith Radio is a nice way to open the day by kindling love in the heart and setting our minds on life in Christ.

Father Tryphon's podcasts include numerous topics (over 400 entries) and are brief, providing a short story, quotes from the saints or a reference to Holy Scripture.  I like the fact that he provides a nourishing thought for the day and I especially enjoy the introductory and closing chant that accompany his recordings.


GretchenJoanna said...

I used to read Fr. Tryphon's Morning Offering blog posts, but I hadn't noticed that he had a podcast. Maybe actually hearing his voice in a podcast would get me back into the habit. Thank you!

amy said...

oh, I didn't realize he had a blog! I'll be looking for that... thanks to you, too!

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